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CARES Act Changes Rules Governing Retirement Plans

Client Alert

Among the many other provisions of the CARES Act are those impacting retirement plans (including 401(k)s, profit sharing plans, and IRAs) in order to provide an influx of cash to struggling employees.

Tax Favored Distributions
In calendar year 2020, an individual (including a self – employed individual) who is either diagnosed with SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19, has a family member diagnosed with SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19, or experiences adverse financial consequences due to quarantine, furlough, layoff, reduced work hours, or is unable to work due to lack of child care, may take a distribution of up to $100,000 in any taxable year. An employer may accept an employee’s certification that the request is due to one of these reasons.

Unless the employee chooses otherwise, the distribution will be included in his income ratably over three (3) years. Additionally, over a three (3) year period that begins on the day after the distribution occurs the employee may repay (in one or more payments) any amounts which they received as a distribution under this provision. These repayments shall not count against the contribution limits for the plan year.

Loans from Qualified Plans
Loans issued from qualified plans during the next six (6) months shall have their limits increased to the lesser of $100,000 or 100% of their vested account balance.

Current loans shall have repayments delayed with all interest accrued during the delay being forgiven and the five (5) year rule for loans being disregarded. Any payments due on or before December 31, 2020, shall be delayed for one (1) year. Any remaining payments shall have their due date adjusted as a result of the delay. 

Temporary Waiver of Required Minimum Distributions
For calendar year 2020, RMDs from 401(k)s, profit sharing plans, 403(b)s, 457(b) and IRAs shall be waived if the taxpayers required beginning date is in 2020 and the distribution was not made before January 1, 2020. 

Plan Amendments
Plan amendments that are required due to the implementation of these provisions must be made on or before the last day of the first plan year beginning on or after January 1, 2022.

For questions, or more information, please contact Priscilla A. Grant, BMD Business, Corporate and Tax Member at or 330.253.5934.

Another Drug Manufacturer Pursues Rebate Program as 340B Alternative

Some of the nation’s largest drug manufacturers are forging ahead to implement rebate programs for 340B drugs, even after the federal government has called these programs illegal. While it is unclear how these federal courts will rule, this could threaten the sustainability of safety net providers and their patients.

Hurry Up, STOP. . .Has CTA Been Struck Down By Courts?

Following a recent case in Texas, uncertainty has arisen regarding whether clients should file "beneficial owners" reports. This is a result of the Federal Government enjoined from enforcing the CTA. Contact your BMD Member Blake Gerney to find out how this affects you.

DEA and HHS Issue its Third Extension of Telemedicine Flexibilities through 2025

The DEA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have extended telemedicine flexibilities for prescribing controlled medications through December 31, 2025. This extension builds on temporary exceptions made in 2020 due to COVID-19, allowing providers to prescribe Schedule II-V controlled substances based on a telemedicine evaluation alone. The extension ensures continued patient access to necessary prescriptions and provides time for providers to comply with future regulations.

Medicare Making Changes to Improve Behavioral Health Care Access

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced changes to Medicare’s behavioral health coverage, including allowing Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors to enroll independently, increasing reimbursements for crisis psychotherapy and substance use treatment, and expanding services via community health workers. These updates address gaps in care and improve access to mental health services for Medicare beneficiaries.

The Ohio Department of Medicaid Announces Four Next Generation MyCare Plans

On November 1, 2024, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) announced four managed care organizations that will become ODM’s Next Generation MyCare plans starting January 2026. MyCare Ohio is a managed care program that supports Ohioans across 29 counties enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid.