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IRS Grants Additional Extensions and Suspends Collection Activity

Client Alert

More Extensions Granted for Filing Returns

In addition to those previously announced, the IRS has granted extensions for filing of the following returns and payments of amounts due for any of the returns listed below due after April 1, 2020 and before July 15, 2020:

  • Form 706 - Estate and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax;
  • Form 8971 – Information Regarding Beneficiaries Acquiring Property form a Decedent;
  • Form 709 – United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax;
  • Any Estate Tax payment due as a result of an election under sections 6166, 6161, and 6163;
  • Form 990-T – Exempt Organization Business Income Tax;
  • Form 990-PF – Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947 Trust;
  • Form 4720 – Return of Certain Excise Taxes; and
  • All estimated payments made on Form 990-W; 1040-ES, 1041-ES, 1120-W.

(This is a change from the extension of only the first quarter estimate to include the June 15, 2020, estimate).

Collection Actions

The IRS is suspending most collection actions between April 1, 2020 and July 15, 2020.  The specific actions are outlined below:

  • Installment Agreements
    • Those which are currently in place will have all payments suspended between April 1 and July 15. However, if you are paying by automatic debit, you must contact your bank to suspend the payment.  If you do so, please remember to contact your bank to have payments resume in July.
    • New installment agreements may be submitted on the IRS website for those eligible to automatically be qualified for an installment arrangement. All others will not currently be processed.
  • Offers in Compromise
    • Those with pending OICs will have until July 15 to provide any requested information. No request will be closed before July 15 unless the taxpayer has requested the closure;
    • All payments under current OICs may suspend payments until July 15. Be advised that interest continues to accrue during this period;
    • Any current OIC will not be defaulted for failure to file their 2018 return provided they file the return on or before July 15; and
    • New OIC applications may be filed but will not be worked. As a practical matter, these applications should not be prepared or submitted until closer to the July 15 date in order to avoid having to provide updated information.
  • Liens, Levies, and Passport Certifications
    • Automated liens and levies will be suspended during this period;
    • Liens and Levies initiated by field revenue officers will be suspended;
    • High income non-filers will continue to have collection actions during this period; and
    • New certifications to the Department of State for passport holds will be suspended during the period.
  • Private Debt Collection has not been suspended. However, from a practical standpoint there may not be much if any activity from private debt collectors.
  • Audits and Appeals
    • All in-person meetings have been suspended, but examiners will continue to work on matters remotely. Taxpayers are encouraged to respond to any correspondence they receive if they are able.
    • New audits (including correspondence audits) will not be started UNLESS the IRS deems it necessary to protect the government’s interest.
    • Appeals officers will continue to work cases. Conferences will be held by telephone or videoconference.

For questions, or more information, please contact BMD Tax Member, Priscilla Grant at or 330.253.5934.

Corporate Transparency Act: Business Owners Must Act Now

The Corporate Transparency Act requires all reporting companies to file their Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report by year-end to avoid penalties. Companies formed before January 1, 2024, have less than six months to comply. Learn more in a client alert by BMD Member Blake Gerney.

New Medicare Billing Rules: What MFTs, MHCs, and IOP Providers Need to Know

Starting January 1, 2024, Medicare began covering services provided to Medicare beneficiaries by marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, and Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) services. With this change, Medicare has become the primary payer for these services.

Chevron Doctrine No More: What the Supreme Court’s Ruling Means for Agency Authority

On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court invalidated the Chevron doctrine, nearly 40 years after it first took effect.

Ohio Board of Pharmacy Update: Key Regulatory Changes and Proposals You Need to Know

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy (BOP) has rescinded certain OAC rules (OAC 4729:5-18-01 through 4729:5-18-06), removing regulations on office-based opioid treatment (OBOT) clinics. The rescissions took effect on June 3, 2024. The BOP also published a new rule, OAC 4729:8-5-01, which sets explicit reporting guidelines for licensed dispensaries and became effective on June 7, 2024.

LGBTQIA+ Patients and Discrimination in Healthcare

In early April, the Kaiser Family Foundation released a study outlining the challenges that LGBT adults face in the United States related to healthcare. According to the study, LGBT patients are “twice as likely as non-LGBT adults to report negative experiences while receiving health care in the last three years, including being treated unfairly or with disrespect (33% v. 15%) or having at least one of several other negative experiences with a provider (61% v. 31%), including a provider assuming something about them without asking, suggesting they were personally to blame for a health problem, ignoring a direct request or question, or refusing to prescribe needed pain medication.”